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Introducing drama and plays

This week we will be working on introducing the elements of drama to our friendly neighbors. Students will identify, imitate, mirror, and create feeling and expression by using the face as an expressive tool. Students will also take turns participating in a short play in the classroom. Below are some pictures we took from our first try.
Recent posts

The Phases of the Moon

Be prepared to have our students ask Santa to bring them a telescope next Christmas! We had an amazing fun day filled with the many phases of the moon. Here are some pics to share from what our students have learned and will try to talk to you about today during dinner.

100 days of school!

Once again thank you to all the parents and families that helped our wonderful neighbors bring their visualization to real life. Today we have some special volunteers showing off their amazing work. Happy 100 days of school from our neighborhood!

Creating a number line

We know our little neighborhood has been working with numbers 0-120. This week have been reviewing numbers from 0-50, then  numbers 50-99 and lastly numbers 99-120. Today we our little neighbors received random numbers and together our neighborhood worked together to create a number line from smallest to the largest number.

ESL Phonic Lesson -ink and -unk

Students and teacher are currently working on creating a list with words that include -ink and -unk

It's time! We are getting ready for our Winter Concert

Thank you to the wonderful parents and families that have helped make this Winter Concert possible. Our neighborhood is so jolly and our little neighbors are beyond excited to perform.

It's time to put our Christmas lights out!

We are getting ready for the holidays. Our students want to begin to decorate our classroom. There is only one condition.....there has to be learning involved. Please see our beautiful and colorful number sentences with 3 addends that equal 10.